Frequently Asked Questions

What's actually covered?

Each of our cover products has a 'cover wording document' that details what cover includes and excludes. This is a guide for our members who can stake NXM to vote on a claim, and have the discretion to take the specifics of a particular event into account when voting. Voting is always down to the members who are rewarded for voting honestly.

How do I know my claim will get paid?

The core purpose of Nexus Mutual is to protect members from loss. Any member can stake NXM to vote on claims. Members are rewarded for voting in line with the consensus and incentivised to vote honestly. If they deny legitimate claims their staked NXM could get burned. Although in the short term paying out claims would reduce the value of the capital pool and therefore the value of NXM tokens, members who vote (claims assessors) are incentivised to take a long-term view because of the staking (lock up) requirement.

Have you already paid claims?

Yes, we've already paid over $17M+ to members who suffered a loss due to exploits and technical failures. Full details on claims history can be seen on Nexus Mutual docs here.

Who owns the money?

Our members. Only members can hold NXM which represents proportional ownership of the mutual, including the capital pool (the money).

How can I launch a staking pool?

Anyone can build a staking pool business on top of Nexus Mutual. If you have risk expertise in a particular area you can launch a staking pool, asses the risks and set your management fees. Contact us for more information and we will help you getting started.

Learn more about how Nexus Mutual works.

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